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Practical Law of Attraction to Create Your Million Dollar Business, A Conversation with Business Strategist Li-Min (Episode #60)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode <<To learn more about Podcast host, Shilpa Lewis, visit  https://linktr.ee/omnimindfulness  #omnimindfulness>> About the Podcast Guest: Li-Min graduated with a double degree in Information and Computer Science and Biology. While science and arts came naturally to her, early on her deep intuition guided her to become an entrepreneur. Through grit …

Unleashing Emotional Trauma & Attracting Embodied Healing, A Conversation with Healer Carla SriDevi Cohen (Episode #59)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode <<To learn more about Podcast host, Shilpa Lewis, visit  https://linktr.ee/omnimindfulness  #omnimindfulness>> About the Podcast Guest: Carla Sridevi Cohen is an expert in Emotional Intelligence and a Master Healer, a best-selling author, and winner of the Exceptional Global Woman Award in 2020. Carla is certified in 25+ healing modalities and …

Attracting Abundance through Heart-Activated Coherence, A Conversation with Financial Planner & Author Julie Murphy (Episode #58)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode <<To learn more about Podcast host, Shilpa Lewis, visit  https://linktr.ee/omnimindfulness  #omnimindfulness>> About the Podcast Guest: People call Julie Murphy a financial healer and money therapist. She is an independent Certified Financial Planner, who stands out from most financial professionals as she is all heart, giving hope to millions to …

The Hermetic Path & Lineage of King Solomon as a Lifestyle to Activate Law of Attraction, A Conversation with Attorney Angel Latterell (Episode #57)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode <<To learn more about Podcast host, Shilpa Lewis, visit  https://linktr.ee/omnimindfulness  #omnimindfulness>> About the Podcast Guest: Angel Latterell, has defined herself professionally as an Attorney and Project Manager, having earned a degree in Philosophy, Classical History, and Law. Angel’s love of language has also led her to become a poet, …

Insights into The New Feldenkrais-Inspired Somatic Movement – Kinēsa™, A Conversation with Creator Lavinia Plonka (Episode #55)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode About the Podcast Guest: Body language expert Lavinia Plonka has helped people improve their movement, behavior, relationships, and careers for over 40 years. Her unique expertise connects the dots among posture/movement, emotions, and the mind. Lavinia’s training and professional career have included theater, dance, yoga, and martial arts. She …

Accessing Heart-Centered Awareness & Flow through Alexander Technique & Taoist Practices, Jamee Culbertson (Episode #53)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode <<To learn more about Podcast host, Shilpa Lewis, visit  https://linktr.ee/omnimindfulness  #omnimindfulness>> About the Podcast Guest: Jamee is an Internationally Certified Alexander Technique Instructor and teacher-trainer offering lessons in the Boston area for over 25 years. Jamee is also a Senior Instructor at the Universal Tao Boston, School of Taoist …