My Guided Meditations

Here I offer some of my Guided Meditations.
3.5 Minute Mindful Moments: Guided Meditation
This 3.5-minute of mindful moments of meditation will help you connect to your inner calm and gain clarity. The effect of just a few minutes of mindful awareness, by tuning the attention inward, can have profound benefits on your mind, body, and spirit. This meditation can be practiced at any time throughout your day as a quick “conscious reset”.
Metta (Loving Kindness): Guided Meditation
Metta (Loving Kindness) Guided Meditation is a powerful meditation that reduces the barrier between ‘you’ and ‘I’ – by holistically embodying all sentient beings. Loving-kindness, empathy, and awareness – all of these qualities go hand in hand. Through the practice of this meditation, you radiate love, kindness, empathy for yourself while spreading that positive energy towards others.
Body Awareness: Guided Meditation
This guided meditation helps you cultivate present-time awareness by scanning the body. By becoming more in-tuned to your body, you gain the ability to focus from the mind into the body and increase your ability to listen to your body which can facilitate healing.
Breath Awareness: Guided Meditation
Breathing is a natural object of meditation. Your breath is connected to your life force energy. In this meditation, you will be guided to follow the natural rhythms of your breath. By placing your awareness on your breath, you can shift your state of consciousness, and cultivate the ability to relax, restore, and return to balance.
Mind Awareness: Guided Meditation
In this Mind Awareness Guided Meditation, you learn to become more conscious of the thoughts in your head. The nature of the mind is to get caught up with thinking. These thoughts create vibrations that affect our body and mind. Through meditation, you cultivate the ability to create pauses between thoughts, and spaces between breaths. During those moments you gain focus, clarity, and peace.
Heart Awareness: Guided Meditation
This is a simple practice of mindful heart breaths to cultivate greater heart awareness and increase your ability to listen to your heart through stillness. By breathing in through the back of the heart, and breathing out through the front of the heart you are guided to be more present in your heart and gain a deeper sense of peace and calm.
Gratitude Awareness: Guided Meditation
A Gratitude Awareness meditation helps you bring more mindfulness awareness to various facets of your life. By holistically being present in the present moment you cultivate the ability to focus on areas of your that bring you true happiness. Through awareness of your body, breath, mind, and heart you intuitively bring more stillness and peace into your life.
Awareness (Meditative Walking): Guided Meditation
A walking-meditation is a way to bring conscious awareness to various elements, internally and externally. By observing what is going on around us, while tuning into our body, we can become more present and shift our attention away from the swirling thoughts in our mind.
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