Showing 206 Result(s)

Finding her Niche 2nd Act as Founder of French Online School, Belle Terra Academy. A Conversation with Mompreneur, Rachèle DeMéo (Episode #47)

Rachèle is a speaker for a variety of workshops and conferences in professional development, a teacher, a YouTuber, an author and so much more. She is the founder and an instructor at Belle Terre Academy and she is also the founder, director, and president of FLAM San Diego.  She trains employees, instructors, and language professors …

Reinventing as a Mompreneur & Inventing the Modern Mom’s Postpartum Fashion, A Conversation with MLM Fashion Brand Founder (Episode # 45)

Magda lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two boys — Adrian and Julian. A political scientist/researcher turned entrepreneur/fashion designer, Magda decided to pause her career and focus on her young family while also trying to launch an apparel brand when her second son was born in 2017. She always loved fashion but never …

22 Affirmations to Attract your 2nd Act 

Attracting your 2nd Act is more about becoming your True Self, and less about the vocational label, such as becoming a baker, teacher, or meditation coach. While you may have a pretty good idea of what you’d like to practice in the role of your 2nd Act, it’s important that the real you is authentically …

Unleash Your Sage Archetype with Swagger

Aligning Your Professional Path with Your Life Purpose When I started out in my career as a User Experience Designer & Researcher I knew in my heart I had discovered my passion for innovation.  The field itself was still in its inception.  The emerging niche role was at the time barely recognized within the product …