Showing 206 Result(s)

The Art of Mindful Decluttering 

A Path is Revealed Pam had a secret gift, that even she wasn’t aware of until she was forced to do some soul searching. During her morning walks with a close friend, she would reflect on her uncertainty regarding employment and wondered what would be the next chapter of her professional life, as she had …

Eco-conscious Lifestyle Through Sustainable Jewelry Design, A Conversation with Alessandra Thornton (Episode #34)

Alessandra is the owner and founder of Allie Tagua Jewelry, a Sustainable Jewelry Business. Her jewelry much like her personality echos her uniqueness, passion, and authenticity. Allie creates bold, colorful eco jewels, that give back to the environment. Materials used to create the jewelry are repurposed natural elements that include Tagua Nut, Acacia Berry, Pambil …

3 Inspirational Stories of People Intentionally Living an Eco-Conscious Lifestyle

The month of February covers the topic of “Intentional Living: Eco-Consciously”. And a common trait among the guests for this month’s podcast lineup is their intention to live “eco-consciously”. And they are making an IMPACT! What is “Eco-Conscious Living” exactly?  In essence, it means intentionally creating a sustainable planet. More holistically speaking, to intentionally live …

How a Homestead Mompreneur Makes Intentional Family Life Choices, A Conversation with Gail Nott (Episode #32)

Gail Nott is a business coach and co-founder of LIFT, a coaching accelerator for solopreneurs. She strategizes with purpose-driven business owners to create a personalized client generation process that saves them time, shares their message, and allows them to create their legacy, without sacrificing their family life. She is an expert at building a business …