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How a Homestead Mompreneur Makes Intentional Family Life Choices, A Conversation with Gail Nott (Episode #32)

Share your Thoughts about this Episode Gail Nott is a business coach and co-founder of LIFT, a coaching accelerator for solopreneurs. She strategizes with purpose-driven business owners to create a personalized client generation process that saves them time, shares their message, and allows them to create their legacy, without sacrificing their family life. She is …

The Trifecta Strategy to Steer Away from Drifting in Life

Co-written with Life Coach, Mark Person A Stranger Sparks Awareness  I’ll tell you a little story about a mysterious mindset shift message from a stranger.  Towards the end of 2021, when post-pandemic life started to ever so slightly return to “normal”, my husband, Rich, was out on one of his regular walks along the beachside …

8 Ways to Up your Vibe through Awareness

Everything is energy. Increasing our awareness of how our energy is affected is key. This year my goal is to learn to harness my energy with the intention to increase my vitality. As multifaceted vibrational beings, we are affected by 8 primary sources that result in making us broadcast a vibration that is either positive …

22 Powerful Sankalpas for 2022

Sankalpa is the Sanskrit word for Intention. Sankalpa is more powerful than an intention though. It is actually a vow between you and the Universe as it reflects your highest truth. With uttered with resolve you set in motion an vibration. This energy is a catalyst that emerges from a deeper level than your thinking …